14 July 2009

Pics from Dad's Wedding

Making vows

Husband and Wife

my brother, Dave, and his fiancee, Liz

The view of the Allegheny River at the reception

my uncles, Buzz and Pooh round out "the heathen table"

the new sibs: stepbrother Richie and wife Gabe; brother Dave and soon-to-be sister-in-law Liz


Blogger Beth said...

Yes, yes, but where are the pictures of YOU!?

14 July, 2009 19:03  
Blogger Allison said...

Exactly - where are you???

Tell your dad congrats from the Clemson crew!

14 July, 2009 21:56  
Blogger ellie said...

i was TAKING the pictures, guys... there are pictures of me but not on my camera. ;)

15 July, 2009 01:07  
Blogger Rhett said...

ellie - i understood why you weren't there... i don't like to share my camera with anyone so there are very few pictures of me... unless someone takes one and i take their card and copy all the pics before they have a chance to facebook me, print me or whatever... i take them and post first... i also delete all the bad ones b/c i am the judge of bad self pics.

that aside - your pics are fantastic... what a great day for your family!

16 July, 2009 07:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup, you need to pirate someone else's pics and "prove" that you were there ;-)

17 July, 2009 22:14  
Blogger Andee said...

Congratulations to your dad!

20 July, 2009 13:37  

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