11 June 2009

Learning to Spell It

Seriously, i have GOT to learn how to spell Philadelphia. It keeps coming out Philaldelphia or Phliadelphia or Phialdelphia. This reminds me of the fifth grade, when i hated my first name so much i wanted to go by my middle name, but couldn't spell it. So my teacher came to me one day and pulled me aside. She said, "honey, if you can't spell it, you're going to have to go back to using Ellen."

i feel like any minute now, some Philly cop is going to come knock on my door and say, "ma'am, I'm sorry, but if you can't spell it, you're going to have to go back to Kansas."

i found out last week, i have cousins on the Main Line in Ph-- Ph--- Philly. So i can stay with them and don't have to shell out for three nights in a motel 6 while i look at apartments next week. It's my father's mother's brother's son, so he is my first cousin once removed. And get this: he has two children (my second cousins), one of which goes to the school i'll be teaching at next year! She's a senior, and i won't teach her, but that's pretty nifty, isn't it?

On a side note, have you ever watched a cat fall asleep sitting up? It's too cute.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can't spell worth a flip, either! hope you find the perfect place when you go hunting :o)

11 June, 2009 19:50  
Blogger Rhett said...

spelling... who cares... that's what spell check is for :) and i love the new name. very cool.

12 June, 2009 08:24  

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