27 January 2010

Suspicious Minds

Today is "Teacher Idol," and i volunteered to do an act in front of the entire school and three students acting as Simon, Paula, and Randy. Singing "Suspicious Minds" because i already have the words memorized.

i figure it doesn't matter if the students KNOW the song because
A) this is the perfect opportunity for them to be introduced to the genius that was Elvis Presley
B) as long as i am up there making an idiot of myself they will be so busy crying with laughter they won't even know what i'm singing anyway.

Don't think i have a stress fracture, as my leg has been feeling better today after two "off days," but it's so frustrating not to be able to run!! i guess i will just keep hitting the elliptical for the rest of the week and try getting back on the roads after that. Hopefully the pain doesn't come back. Who knew you could get so addicted to this sport so quickly!?

25 January 2010

Ups and Downs

On Saturday nights, i get frustrated with my job. Yet another man complains about the amount of time i have to give him, and i start to wonder if i am sabotaging my social life and chance of future happiness for nothing. i wonder if i should just get a lab job and cut my losses.

Then Monday morning comes, and a bubbly 13-year-old who normally wouldn't care about anything she didn't read in TeenCosmo comes running up to me holding a stag beetle and begging me to stay after school and help her dissect it, and it all feels worth it.

Have been feeling a dull pain in my right calf for about a week and a half now. Maybe i shouldn't have run on it last Friday, but i kept thinking i would get stronger and it would go away. Hoping it's something in the muscle and not the bone, but i am hitting the elliptical instead of the roads this week and trying to get a doctor's appointment.

If it IS a stress fracture, and i have to stay off of it for six weeks, i will be devastated. Does anyone have any good ideas for exercise in a boot? :(

17 January 2010

First 5K

Well, my first 5K is done! i felt so awesome after i was done! Finished 55 seconds ahead of my goal time, and improved my pace per mile by 1.3 minutes. i've already registered for the February event, so it'll be interesting to track my progress on an identical course after another month of training.

Here's a picture of me with the pickle (he ran with us... please do not ask me why... it is inexplicable).

And me with my running partner, Jenn...