17 January 2010

First 5K

Well, my first 5K is done! i felt so awesome after i was done! Finished 55 seconds ahead of my goal time, and improved my pace per mile by 1.3 minutes. i've already registered for the February event, so it'll be interesting to track my progress on an identical course after another month of training.

Here's a picture of me with the pickle (he ran with us... please do not ask me why... it is inexplicable).

And me with my running partner, Jenn...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hooray! isn't it the best feeling to know that you did it, and can do it again? proud of you!!!

18 January, 2010 10:25  
Blogger Allison said...

yay! Good for you! And the pickle...

20 January, 2010 12:39  
Blogger Rhett said...

yea ellie! that is fantastic. hope the leg is better and that it's NOT a stress fracture... maybe something like shin splints - easier to heal - not as long to recover.

hope you have a great week!

25 January, 2010 15:08  
Blogger Andee said...


01 February, 2010 06:58  

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