21 March 2009

Louisiana Part 1: Texas

i have now completed the Lower 48! Only Alaska and Hawaii left... though i am thinking those might be a ways off. (But who knows!?)

my mom came in on the train for our yearly spring break visit. i offered to drive up to Kansas City to pick her up so that she could check her luggage, but that left us in the truck until 1am on Sunday morning. We crashed hard. She had been traveling for twenty four hours, and i had been at the state chess tournament all day before the six hour drive.

[Chess season is now over. Our team took 8th place in the state of Kansas. Not too shabby.]

On Sunday we bummed around Wichita packing and playing with the cat, and watching my favorite show on DVD: Big Bang Theory. On Monday morning we went and picked up our rental car for the trip.

We made it as far as Marshall, Texas the first day and stayed in a Motel 6. (i have not sung the praises of Motel 6 since my Summer Solo Southwest Safari... let me say again, they are always cheap, always clean, and always dependable. i love Motel 6.)

my mother had never been in Texas, so this brought her State Count to 43. my brother is still lagging behind everyone else at 40. my dad got all 50 years ago.

But Texas was not our goal, so we pretty much blew through it. Here is what i remember about the Lone Star State: they love catfish. They have night and day speed limits.


Blogger Big, Dumb, and Hairy said...

Yes they do love their cat there all i have to say is yummmm again, and man do I miss living int hose states.

22 March, 2009 13:23  

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