Wicked Kansas Storms
This past week i saw what is undoubtedly the worst thunderstorm i've ever seen.
One of the reasons why i love living on the Great Plains is the storms. i am so energized by their power. i have looked forward to seeing all the might of Kansas weather, but admit i have been ill prepared.
This past week saw the coming and going of a fantastic storm. The wind was going in all directions at once. Rain was pelting everything in sheets, soaking anything that ventured outside in four seconds, flat. Trees scores of meters high were bent, twisted, and battered so hard i thought i would surely see them start to snap.
It lasted no more than 20 minutes. And when it was over, i realized that i had not even seen the worst of the band. Not a single ball of hail had fallen across my roof. This was not even a taste of what i will see in the years i spend here.
my attempts to photograph it were useless, and i gave up after only a dozen shots or so. i did go out afterward to try to take some pictures of the flooding i had seen spreading across the lawns of my apartment complex. But once the rain stopped coming down, the fertile midwest soil soaked it up in a matter of minutes.
What i did get, was this:

And it made me laugh. Remember when we were young, and adults used to tell us that a rainbow was "God's promise to never send a rain like that again!"? Well, Kansans know better than that. We certainly will see it again, worse. Much worse. Come April, if not before.
One of the reasons why i love living on the Great Plains is the storms. i am so energized by their power. i have looked forward to seeing all the might of Kansas weather, but admit i have been ill prepared.
This past week saw the coming and going of a fantastic storm. The wind was going in all directions at once. Rain was pelting everything in sheets, soaking anything that ventured outside in four seconds, flat. Trees scores of meters high were bent, twisted, and battered so hard i thought i would surely see them start to snap.
It lasted no more than 20 minutes. And when it was over, i realized that i had not even seen the worst of the band. Not a single ball of hail had fallen across my roof. This was not even a taste of what i will see in the years i spend here.
my attempts to photograph it were useless, and i gave up after only a dozen shots or so. i did go out afterward to try to take some pictures of the flooding i had seen spreading across the lawns of my apartment complex. But once the rain stopped coming down, the fertile midwest soil soaked it up in a matter of minutes.
What i did get, was this:

And it made me laugh. Remember when we were young, and adults used to tell us that a rainbow was "God's promise to never send a rain like that again!"? Well, Kansans know better than that. We certainly will see it again, worse. Much worse. Come April, if not before.
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